Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW (WULS) in the year 1816 was established. Nowadays University have about 23.000 BSc and MSc students studying. The range of academic programs continually widens and currently consists of 38 fields of study and 122 areas of specialisation offered by 13 faculties. University offers doctoral level studies carried by 11 faculties and numerous postgraduate studies. At the University about 300 students from over 30 countries are studying. Besides, the University host annually about 300 students from almost 30 countries within Erasmus Plus exchange programme. The University cooperates with more than 270 partners all over the world and is member of numerous prominent organisations. The University more than 1.300 academics employs. Main directions of activity are biology, veterinary medicine, forestry, agriculture, horticulture, biotechnology, landscape architecture, civil and environmental engineering, wood technology, animal sciences, food sciences, human nutrition, consumer sciences, production engineering, social sciences, economic sciences, applied informatics and mathematics.